NY Oral Care | (917) 546-3041

Specialist in Saving Teeth

Board-certified endodontist with excellent outcomes


What conditions do you treat?

  • Tooth decay that reaches the pulp of your tooth needing Root Canal Treatment

  • Failed Root Canal Treatment

  • Tooth abscess

  • Cracked or damaged tooth

  • Knocked-out tooth

How will Dr. Goswami save my tooth?


State-of-the-art Diagnostics

  • 3 D Imaging with CBCT

  • Surgical operating microscopes

  • Electronic Apex locators

  • Digital Imaging /Xrays

  • Fiberoptic transillumination

  • Ultrasonics

Cutting-edge Treatment

What is Root Canal Treatment?


Root canal treatment is performed to treat tooth decay that reaches the pulp of the tooth. The pulp contains blood vessels and nerves that extend from the crown of the tooth to the tip of the root where it connects to the tissues surrounding the root. The pulp is important during a tooth’s growth and development.

The Root Canal Treatment involves removing the inflamed or infected pulp, carefully cleaning and shaping the inside of the root canal, then filling and sealing the space. The tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.

Afterward, its important to go back your regular dentist, who will place a crown or other restoration on the tooth to protect and restore it to full function. After the restoration is placed, the tooth will continue to function like any other tooth

My Root Canal Treatment has failed. 


To save your tooth, you should urgently contact an Endodontist who has expertise in performing the following procedures:


A common non-surgical treatment to save a tooth after a failed root canal treatment. It involves, taking out the filling in the tooth re-cleaning the root canals. This procedure is best performed by an Endodontist



A common surgery that can be performed to save a tooth is Apicoectomy or root-end resection. Apicoectomy is performed when infection persists around the end of the tooth after a Root Canal Treatment. The end of the root is removed and a small filling is placed at the end of the the root canal.  The bone at the end of the root heals after a few months. You should be able to return to normal activity the next day with mild discomfort.

Root amputation

Root amputation is the surgical removal of one of the roots of a multi-rooted tooth. This procedure is carried out to remove disease, to prevent further bone loss and/or to remove part of the tooth that has a tooth fracture. This option is worth exploring if a patient wants to save their tooth.

My tooth got knocked-out, can you reinsert it?


We may be able to reinsert your tooth, if you can get to my office within 30 minutes of the incident. Sometimes, it is possible to save a tooth even if it has been outside the mouth for an hour or more.

To increase the probability of success, please follow the following steps:

- Pick up the tooth by the crown (the chewing surface) NOT the root

- If dirty, gently rinse the tooth with water

- Reposition the tooth in the socket immediately, if possible

- Keep the tooth moist at all times

- See an Endodontist within 30 minutes of the injury